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3000 feet, 30 miles and 14 peaks

My name is Laura and I’m the Head Nurse at Daleside, some of you may have met me by now? I joined the practice in September last year after many years locumming all over the UK.

I wanted to talk to you this week about The Big Tick Project and my New Year’s resolution. Some of you might have seen articles on the TV about The Big Tick Project (TBTP) with Chris Packham. TBTP is a nationwide study organised by Bristol Vet School and MSD to look at ticks from our doggy companions. They have asked veterinary practices to check at least five dogs every week for at least eight weeks and submit any ticks they find so they can analyse them. They are identifying the species and life stage of the ticks, whether or not they are carrying any diseases and what those diseases are. Not everyone is aware that ticks can be carriers of some diseases which affect people as well as our pets, Lyme Disease (Borreliosis) being probably the most common and well known. Daleside are very keen to help out this study, so we registered straight away!

For more information about “The big tick project” click here

Which brings us nicely onto my Resolution! I decided last year that I wanted to climb the Welsh 3000’s (all the peaks in Wales whose summit is higher than 3000 feet) Handily, they are all in Snowdonia!! I wanted to include a charitable element to increase my resolve. I decided to try and raise funds for the Search and Rescue Dogs Association (SARDA), given the nature of my challenge and a charity called Sarah’s Lyme Recovery.

I used to work at the Vet School in London and looked after approximately 250 undergraduates over my time there. Sadly, one of those, now qualified, vets contracted Lyme Disease from a Tick Bite in the UK. Sarah was very poorly and had to give up the job she loved and excelled at. Treatment is not really available in the UK and Sarah has had to travel to the USA for expert care in her complicated case. This is all at her own expense and is rather pricey! She has become involved with a charity which raises funds based on measurable distances, so I am raising funds based on heights reached and distance walked; 30 miles and 14 peaks over 3000 feet! I have some mountaineering experience and I am lucky to have an expert guide in the form of my husband!

There will be sponsorship forms at the branches and Daleside is going to donate a percentage of the profits that they make on the novel flea and tick product we recommend, throughout the month of June.

You can also donate to any of the two charities through these links below: Search and Rescue Dogs Association (SARDA) and Sarah’s Lyme Recovery

Wish me luck I will keep you all posted on how i get on.

Thanks Laura

“Since moving to Daleside I have been extremely happy with the service from the farm team. They are a very skilled and knowledgeable team of vets, and we always feel valued as clients.”

Mark Shepherd, Oaks Farm

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