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tel: 01244 543 211
tel: 01244 830 065
tel: 01978 311 444
Elin is just waiting on the results of her practical exams now. When she passes these, she will be a fully qualified veterinary nurse. We will update you when we know more about her results. Polly, another of our student nurses, has finished her nurse performance log this week. This is a log of all the different cases she has been involved with during her training and is another huge step towards becoming qualified. She just has her practicals to sit now, which will hopefully be in March and then she too will be a fully qualified veterinary nurse!
We have seen lots of cats and dogs for neutering this week. It’s great to see so many of you getting your pets neutered. This will help improve their health and reduce the number of unwanted puppies and kittens. We’re sure lots of you had new pets for Christmas, so don’t forget to see about getting them neutered when they are old enough. If you would like more information on neutering you can book a free consult with one of our nurses to discuss it.
How many of you overindulged at Christmas? Most of the staff at Daleside did too!!! Many people start the new year with a new diet or a new fitness regime. Why not do the same for your cat or dog? It is estimated that 35% of dogs and 25% of cats are overweight or obese in the UK. This can pose lots of health risks for you pet, just the same as it can for people. At Daleside, we have a lovely bunch of nurses who are passionate about weight loss in pets. If you want to find out more about coming in for our Chub Club appointments then pop in or call us at your nearest branch. The best part is that you will end up with a healthier pet and it will cost you nothing at all!
“A great team of honest, reliable and dedicated farm vets who are both friendly and professional whilst being empathetic towards our business.”
Lewis Jones, Moreton Farm